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🎨 Asset Management

Supported Blockchains and Adding Chains

The self-custody platform supports multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and more. When creating an organization, the system will complete the configuration for predefined blockchains, enabling efficient management and use of various digital assets.

Coin Management

In addition to supporting major cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT, and more, the self-custody platform also allows you to add and manage custom tokens and assets by searching for token names or contract addresses. This flexibility caters to diverse user needs. If you're unable to find the asset you want to add, please contact the platform staff for assistance.

Explanation of Available Assets

A user's available assets consist of several types:

  1. Balance: The user's balance on the blockchain.
  2. In Transit: Assets that are in the process of being approved and haven't yet been confirmed on the blockchain.
  3. Frozen: This applies mainly to UTXO-based blockchains like BTC. It refers to assets temporarily held for a transaction, which are released after the completion of the previous transaction.