Notify the exchange's mpc key share custody service to initiates an mpc signing
Request Body required
requestId string required
The unique identifier of this request
userId string required
A data needed for initiating an mpc signing
cmrkPK string required
The public key to identifies an mpc key share
path string required
The path to derive the "from" account.
mpcType string required
MPC business type, currently it should be "sign"
network string required
Chain identifier
cryptography string required
Either "ecdsa-secp256k1" or "eddsa-ed25519", determined by the network
message string required
The message (unsigned transaction hash) to be signed
timeToLive number required
The total TTL of this mpc business
transactionId string required
Unique identifier for the related transaction
- 200
Successful response
Example (from schema)
status boolean required
Status of the request, False/True (failed/success)
failedReason string nullable
The failed reason if the status is False
"status": true,
"failedReason": "string"