Custody calls Exchange
ποΈ /exchange/v1/connect
Connect CVA account with MEA account
ποΈ /exchange/v1/address
Notify exchange to add new addresses for the CVA account
ποΈ /exchange/v1/address/status
Check the status of the address addition request
ποΈ /exchange/v1/mpc/pubkey
Notify exchange to add relationship between CVA account and the root mpc public key (If the Exchange keeps one mpc key share)
ποΈ /exchange/v1/settlement/network
Set the default settlement network for CVA addresses (multi-chain scenario)
ποΈ /exchange/v1/deposit
Notify the exchange that there's an user deposit.
ποΈ /exchange/v1/settlement/list
Request settlement details from the exchange for user-initiated settlements
ποΈ /exchange/v1/settlement/confirm
Notify the exchange to initiate settlement to CVA account after user confirmation
ποΈ /exchange/v1/settlement/status
Query the settlement progress from the exchange to CVA
ποΈ /exchange/v1/settlement/finish
Notify the exchange after Sinohope settlement is completed
ποΈ /exchange/v1/transaction/status
Notify the status of a transaction
ποΈ /exchange/v1/withdrawable
Query the withdrawable amount of a asset from the specific CVA account
ποΈ /exchange/v1/withdraw
Request authorization from the exchange after the user initiates a withdrawal from the CVA account
ποΈ /exchange/v1/mpc/join
Notify the exchange's mpc key share custody service to join an mpc business initiated by user