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Notify exchange to add new addresses for the CVA account

Request Body required
    requestId string required

    Identifier for this binding request

    collateralId CollateralId required

    Unique identifier for the CVA account

    assets object[]
  • Array [
  • currency Currency required

    Currency identifier defined by the exchange

    network Network required

    Chain identifier defined by the exchange

    assetId AssetId required

    Asset identifier defined by Sinohope (different asset identifiers for the same currency on different chains, e.g., USDT_ETH, USDT_TRON)

    address string required

    Address allocated by Sinohope for the user's CVA account

    settlementNetwork Network required

    Chain identifier defined by the exchange

    tag string nullable

    Tag allocated by Sinohope for the user's CVA account

  • ]

Successful response

    received number required

    Address reception status,enum, 0 asynchronously processing, 1 Failed, 2 Success.
