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Signing messages according to known specifications (EIP-191, EIP-712)

Messages are signed according to known specifications (EIP-191, EIP-712), and the signature results can be queried through /v1/waas/mpc/web3/sign_result or delivered via callback from MPC-node.

Request Body
    requestId string required

    The requestId of the requesting party's transaction

    chainSymbol string required


    hdPath string required

    Derivation path of bip32 and bip44

    signAlgorithm string required

    Supported signature algorithms: (personal_sign, signTypedData, eth_signTypedData_v3, eth_signTypedData_v4)

    message string required

    String message to be signed


successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object
    sinoId string


    messageHash string

    Signature information, message hash to be signed

    success boolean