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Query transaction list based on requestIds

  • /v1/waas/mpc/transaction/transactions_by_request_ids DEPRECATED
  • Supports "self-custody" and "WaaS" services.
Request Body
    requestIds string required

    To retrieve a list of confirmed transaction records by querying through requestIds. RequestId is separated by commas, cannot be empty, and cannot exceed 50 entries


successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object
    pageIndex integer
    pageSize integer
    totalSize integer
    list object[]

    Transaction record list

  • Array [
  • sinoId string

    Sinohope is a unique identifier for transactions

    requestId string

    The unique identifier of the requesting party for the business request

    replacedSinoId string

    The sinoId of the replaced transaction when replacing old transactions through the transaction acceleration/cancellation interface

    chainSymbol string

    Unique identification of the chain

    txDirection integer

    Transaction direction type:0 withdrawal (transactions initiated by system addresses as from addresses), 1 deposit

    state integer

    Transaction status:0-Transaction approval in progress 1-Transaction approval successful 2-Transaction on-chain in progress 4-Broadcast failure 5-Transaction on-chain failure 6-Network broadcast timeout 10-Transaction on-chain successful 11-Transaction on-chain rollback 12-Transaction pending approval 13-Transaction approval rejection

    transaction object

    Transaction information

    txHash string

    Transaction hash

    actionType string

    The type of transaction request initiated by the user, "Transfer" - transfer transaction initiated through the create_transfer interface; "Web3Tx" - transaction initiated through the create_transaction interface, which should generally be a contract transaction. For deposit transactions, it is empty.

    from string

    from address

    fromTag string

    from address tag

    to string

    to address

    toTag string

    to address tag

    amount string

    Amount:Integer value with minimum precision, for example:1230000000000000000,When the asset type represented by assetId is nft, it represents the number of nft (fixed to 1 for 721 contract)

    assetId string

    Asset id

    decimal integer

    Asset precision

    contractAddress string

    For assets such as ERC20/ERC721, the corresponding Token contract address of the asset

    feeAsset string

    Fee assets

    feeAssetDecimal integer

    Fee asset precision

    usedFee string

    The actual transaction fee consumed, the minimum precision integer value

    fee string

    Fee assigned when constructing a transaction

    gasPrice string

    Transaction gasPrice, fuel price, applicable to ETH account model, in wei units

    gasLimit string

    Transaction gasLimit, fuel limit, applicable to ETH account model

    nonce string

    Transaction nonce

    inputData string

    Ethereum transaction data (this field is only valid for "Web3Tx" transactions initiated by create_transaction interface)

    expireTime integer

    Valid time

    expireBlockHeight integer

    Transaction expiry block height

    referBlockHeight integer

    Reference block height

    vin object[]

    utxo input, this parameter is only available when the currency is a utxo type currency

  • Array [
  • hash string

    Transaction hash

    voutIndex string

    Transaction index, representing the location of the current unspent transaction

    address string

    Transaction address

    amount string

    Transaction amount

  • ]
  • vout object[]

    Transaction output, this parameter is only available when the currency is a utxo type currency

  • Array [
  • address string

    Transaction address

    amount string

    Transaction amount

  • ]
  • tokenId string

    When the transaction is eth like, When the asset type represented by assetId is nft, this field is returned

    brc20Details object[]
  • Array [
  • method string

    operation type

    ticker string

    inscription name

    quantity string

    the number of this operation

    inscriptionId string

    inscription id

    step int

    1:commit 2:reveal 3:transfer

    from string

    from address

    to string

    to address

  • ]
  • runeDetails object[]
  • Array [
  • fromAddress string
    toAddress string
    runeName string
    runeId string
    runeSpacedName string
    runeSymbol string
    runeDivisibility int
  • ]
  • note string

    User's explanatory information about the transaction, remarks

  • ]
  • success boolean