

Request authorization from the exchange after the user initiates a withdrawal from the CVA account

Request Body required
    collateralId CollateralId required

    Unique identifier for the CVA account

    txId string required

    Unique identifier for the withdrawal order defined by Sinohope (if the withdrawal fails, the same txId will be used to initiate the withdrawal request)

    assetId string required

    Sinohope-defined currency identifier

    amount string required

    Withdrawal amount of the user

    fromAddress string required

    Specific CVA address (multiple addresses may exist under the same network for a CVA account)

    fromTag string nullable

    Tag corresponding to the specific CVA address

    toAddress string required

    Withdrawal target address

    toTag string nullable

    Withdrawal target address tag


Successful response

    status boolean required

    Status of the withdrawal request, False/True (failed/success)

    rejectReason string nullable

    The reject reason if the status is False
