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Create an address based on the specified path

  • Create an address based on the specified derived path
  • Only supports "WaaS" services.
Request Body
    vaultId string required

    Vault id

    walletId string required

    Wallet id

    index string required

    Used to distinguish different addresses under the same cointype of the same wallet

    algorithmType integer required

    Algorithm type (0: "ECDSA: secp256k1", 1: "EdDSA: ed25519")

    coinType integer required

    Refer to the coin type constants defined in slip-44, using a non-hardened version. According to industry practice, for all eth-like public blockchains, Ethereum's coin type 60 can be used interchangeably.


successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object

    Address information

    id string

    Address id

    address string

    Chain address

    hdPath string

    The path corresponding to the address

    encoding integer

    Chain address Address type 1:LEGACY,2:SEGWIT_NATIVE,3:SEGWIT_NESTED,4:TAPROOT

    pubkey string

    Public key

    success boolean