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Query MPC protocol execution records

Query MPC protocol execution records

Request Body
    businessExecType integer

    Business execution type (KeyGen type request:1, signTx type request:2, signMessage type request:3, signRawData) Type of request:4)

    businessExecStatus integer

    Business execution status (in progress:0, success:1, failure:2)

    sinoId string

    If sinoId is not provided, the query will be based on pagination

    pageIndex pageIndex

    Current page number, the first page is 1.

    pageSize pageSize

    Number of data items per page (not less than 1, not more than 50; default is 10)


successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object
    pageIndex integer
    pageSize integer
    totalSize integer
    list object[]
  • Array [
  • requestId string

    The unique request id generated by the user initiating the business.

    sinoId string

    The unique id generated by Sinohope based on the current business.

    requestTime string

    Request time, date and time string, format:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, GMT + 8 time zone.

    param string

    Parameter when initiating a business request to an MPC node, the specific value varies depending on the businessExecType. KeyGen:The value is the cryptographic type of the key, ecdsa-secp256k1 or eddsa-ed25519; other types are data to be signed.

    businessExecType integer

    Business execution type (KeyGen type request:1, signTx type request:2, signMessage type request:3, signRawData type request:4)

    businessExecStatus integer

    The status of the business execution (in progress:0, success:1, failure:2)

    isSuccess boolean

    Indicates whether the operation was successful

    failedReason string

    Reason for failure

  • ]
  • success boolean