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Query the BRC20 asset information of the specified address and the specified name

  • Only supports "WaaS" services.
Request Body
    ticker string required
    chainSymbol string required
    address string required

successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object
    ticker string
    overallBalance string
    transferableBalance string
    availableBalance string
    availableBalanceSafe string
    availableBalanceUnSafe string
    transferableCount integer
    transferableInscriptions object[]
  • Array [
  • data object
    op string
    tick string
    lim string
    amt string
    decimal string
    inscriptionNumber integer
    inscriptionId string
    satoshi string
    confirmations Integer
  • ]
  • historyCount integer
    historyInscriptions object[]
  • Array [
  • data object
    op string

    Type of inscription, including deploy, mint, transfer, etc.

    tick string
    lim string
    amt string
    decimal string
    inscriptionNumber integer
    inscriptionId string
    satoshi integer
    confirmations Integer
  • ]
  • success boolean