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Creating a wallet

  • /v1/waas/mpc/create_wallets DEPRECATED
  • Supports "self-custody" and "WaaS" services.
Request Body
    requestId string required

    business unique value

    vaultId string required

    Vault id

    count integer

    How many to create. Default value is 1, maximum value is 50.

    walletInfos object[]

    Wallet information If not empty, the count value must be consistent with the number of walletInfos

  • Array [
  • walletName string

    Wallet name If it is empty, use the default value: wallet + random value When not empty: Wallet names under departments cannot be duplicated.

    advancedEnabled integer

    Advanced Function Switch (Off: 0, On: 1)
    After turn on the support function: create address according to the specified path, raw data signature

  • ]

successful operation

    code integer
    msg string
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • walletId string

    wallet id

    walletName string

    Wallet name

    advancedEnabled integer

    Advanced Function Switch (Off: 0, On: 1)
    After turn on the support function: create address according to the specified path, raw data signature

  • ]
  • success boolean