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Version: 0.9.5

Sinohope WaaS API

Common Descriptions of Parameters and Return Values

Unified Return Value Structure

codeStatus code (200 for success)
msgStatus description
dataResponse data
successWhether the request succeeded (true for success, false for failure)

Common Error Code Definitions

When an error occurs in Sinohope WaaS services, uniformly formatted data will be returned to the client:

  • 200: Successful response. Refer to each API for the detailed response data.
  • 400: Bad Request.
  • 401: Unauthorized. Either API details are missing or invalid.
  • 403: Forbidden. You do not have access to the requested resource.
  • 415: Unsupported media type. You need to use application/json.
  • 500: Sinohope internal error.

System Level Errors

Error CodeDescription
1001Unknown exception, please contact Sinohope customer service
1002Duplicate request
1004Invalid API Key
1005Signature verification failed
1006IP call frequency restricted
1007No permission of the current API
1008Invalid IP address
1009Signature in the request header cannot be empty
1010Timestamp in the request header cannot be empty
1011Internal call exception
1012Invalid request, please check if there are missing headers
1013Signature failure
1014Unsupported request type (only GET and POST supported)
1015Missing signature parameter

Parameter Level Errors

Error CodeDescription
2001The asset is not supported
2002The chain is not supported
2003Invalid input address
2004Transaction record does not exist
2005No permission
2006Abnormal transfer information (kyt check failed)
2007Miner fee too low
2008The to address is not an internal address (transfer protection)
2009Insufficient balance to pay transfer amount and gas fee
2010Insufficient gas (token transfer)
2011Insufficient available balance (token transfer)
2012Name cannot contain backslash \
2013Address not found for given path
2014Not enough gas
2015Invalid input assetID
2020No token information
2097Invalid pageIndex, require pageIndex >=1
2098Invalid pageSize, require pageSize <=50 and >=1
2099Missing required parameter
2101Specified wallet does not exist
2102Specified asset does not exist
2103Specified chainSymbol does not exist
2104Specified vault does not exist
2106The maximum number of single chain address subscriptions exceeds the limit (50)
2108Parameter type error
2109AdvancedEnabled must be 0 or 1
2110algorithmType must be 0 or 1
2111Must be less then 50 requestIds in one query
2112Must be less then 50 sinoIds in one query
2113signAlgorithm must be one of 'personal_sign, signTypedData, eth_signTypedData_v3, eth_signTypedData_v4'
2114The length of requestId is too long, the maximum is 120
2115Incorrect message format, or incorrect signAlgorithm parameter
2116Wallet and organization information do not match
2117Wallet and vault information do not match
2118Vault and organization information do not match
2119Current chain does not support self-transfer
2120Chain information organization is not configured
2121chainSymbol does not match with chain
2122Wallet address information not found
2123The whitelist address verification fails
2124Transaction insertion into the database failed

Business Level Errors

Error CodeDescription
4001Build transaction failed
4002Broadcast failed
4003The transaction of current asset can not be accelerated
4004The transaction to be accelerated has been contained in blockchain or the nonce has been occupied
4005The transaction to be canceled has been contained in blockchain or the nonce has been occupied
4006MPC Node not set
4007DKG not done
4008Cannot initiate wallet creation operation on the same vault at the same time
4009Wallet names cannot be the same under the same vault
4010The value of the count parameter does not match the length of walletInfos array
4011Wallet quantity limit
4014Writing to mq failed
4015Transaction insertion into the database failed
4017The cancelled deal does not exist
4018The accelerated transaction status is no longer padding and the transaction cannot be accelerated
4019The deal accelerated by this transaction does not exist

Data Dictionary

Transaction Fee Rate Levels


Transaction Status

0Transaction pending on secondary confirmation
1Transaction pending on signature
2Transaction pending
4Broadcast failed
5Transaction failed on blockchain
6Broadcast timeout
10Transaction success
11Transaction has been rollback
13Transaction has rejected


v0.9.0First version2023-08-04Owen
v0.9.1Added new sections, fixed some APIs2023-08-22Owen
v0.9.2Quite many changes about transaction information, SO PLEASE JUST IGNORE THE OLD VERSIONS2023-09-05Owen
v0.9.3Updates the request parameters of interfaces /v1/call_back/transaction/notify and /v1/call_back/withdrawal/confirm2023-09-05Owen
v0.9.4Cumulative updates:
1. Add api /v1/waas/mpc/transaction/fee.
2. Fix: Correct the response feild sinoId of api /v1/waas/mpc/web3/sign_message from integer to string, and the request params chainSymbol of apis /v1/waas/mpc/transaction/cancel_transaction and /v1/waas/mpc/transaction/speedup_transaction is modified from required to non-required.
2023-12-25Shihan, etc.
v0.9.5Added new interfaces /v1/waas/mpc/web3/sign_result2024-01-10wd


Your API-KEY(public key).

Security Scheme Type:apiKey
Header parameter name:BIZ-API-KEY